Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a wonderful March so far! I know a lot of people probably were just on spring break and hopefully you got some much needed relaxation in. We had our last market two days ago on the last day of spring break and let's just say we were a little confused by the outcome of this market.
I was very excited and little bit nervous to go to this market just because I didn't go to the one the weekend before and spring break felt like such a loooong week, It made it feel like I hadn't been to a market in forever. I got back from my spring break vacation late Friday night and this vacay was in Florida, and we drove there... from Houston, Texas. So the drive and the traffic was absolutely brutal, and I didn't even drive, but I was just so exhausted on Saturday. I was literally sore from sitting. But nevertheless, I still had to do my last minute preparations for the market, like replace all of the stock that got bought at the last market with new stuff and cut more stickers. I was so exhausted Saturday that I actually ended up forgetting a good amount of things for this market but everything turned out all right.
Anyways, the weather on Sunday was absolutely perfect, like we literally could not have asked for better weather. It was just slightly cool in the morning like 50° maybe and then it warmed up to about 72° for pretty much the whole day.
Soon after setting up and settling in, this guy came in looking at the Coogis we had on display and he started talking to us and he said that he's from LA and he has a showroom there. He said he was interested in the Coogis because he has a friend that has been looking for some for I think he said a photo shoot or some kind of campaign. He took a photo and took a business card so hopefully I hear from him again.
The first 2 hours were, again, very slow. It seems like the last few markets have just been extremely slow in the first few hours compared to the markets that I did from September- December. It could just be a consumer market trend that I'm not aware of because I haven't been selling for more than a year. So maybe it's very normal that business goes down from January to March. Hopefully it picks up in the summer.
At some point we heard (and felt) a big explosion across the street and everyone went silent for like 8 seconds. I know we were all thinking the same thing, that we were definitely about to die. Lolll it wasn't actually that dramatic but I couldn't see anything from where we were and it was spooky. I started trying to listen to what others were saying and someone said it was a power line thing that blew across the street so it was fine.
This time it seemed we had a lot of really cute and excited reactions when we told people they could take a free sticker. It’s always cute to see how excited people get over the free stickers.
We are used to the market picking up around four but for some reason this time it just didn't. It was very consistently slow all day and I'm not sure if that's because people were still on vacation or if it was just an anomaly. I try not to get too bummed when this happens because the amount of people that come to the market is not something I can control. Although, the last few markets have been a bit of a wake up call considering they've all been some of our lower revenue markets. So even though a lot of people have said they love our items and our set up, I think it's time to step it up a notch. Today I actually started working on that. I just bought a new tent that has a taller top half so it'll hopefully make our booth seem bigger and I want to get better racks and create a much smaller table, and maybe we can sit on like cute stools instead of full on chairs. I know some vendors that stand the whole market so i'm not worried about that.
Soooo, that's pretty much it, not a super successful market but hey, any money is still money and now hopefully some of our next improvements will yield some results. Thank you for reading and supporting Neomai Vintage! Love you all!