Hellooooo everyone! We had an extremely exciting market day this past Sunday! We sold at Thriftcon for the first time and it was amazing! Here’s a recap of our experience.
I woke up at 4:30am on Sunday to get to NRG center by 6:00am with our Uhual that we had packed up on Saturday afternoon. I was pretty nervous driving up to NRG just because I had absolutely no idea what to expect for the set up process. We had decided to pack everything without their hangers and bring our hangers in separate boxes so that we could fit more things into buckets and bags. This meant we would have to spend a pretty good chunk of time just hanging clothes and that didn’t help my nerves. We got in the line outside of the building and were directed by a Thriftcon employee to which garage door we would be parking near and loading off into.
We found a pretty good space to park and luckily our spot inside the building was pretty close to the garage door so we didn’t have to walk too far. Set up actually went smoothly, besides breaking the mirror almost immediately. We ended up hanging stuff up for like an hour but we got it done a good amount of time before customers started coming in. We really made the most of our 10x10 space as we were able to pack close to 900 items in it.
People started coming in around 9am and I had many customers say that we were the first booth they stopped at, which was cool because that meant we were definitely grabbing peoples attention with our set up. It was so fun to be able to interact with such a large number of customers compared to the Montrose Market, where customers tend to come into your booth at a much slower rate than at Thriftcon. I was also able to take note of how other way more experienced vendors set up their booths and how they priced their items and all that jazz. Being there really gave me a lot of inspiration and motivation to keep working towards the direction I’m headed. It was also just incredibly rewarding to hear people say they loved our curation and our prices because I put a good amount of time and thought into every single piece I decide to take to markets.
We ended up making friends with the people behind us who were from Memphis, and I also got to see a lot of the usual vendors from the Montrose Market so that was cool. The only downside to the whole day was the take down time. We had to wheel and carry all of our stuff outside to the parking lot and at that time in the afternoon the sun was still blazing and it was literally 103 degrees. I felt sooo bad for the vendors who had been at the outside Montrose Market all day that Sunday it was just BRUTAL.
We just had a blast overall. It was a huge encouragement to keep going and to keep putting out what we are because everyone seemed to love it. I was very pleased with how the Thriftcon team runs their event because everything was very much not stressful at all, it was all very straightforward and I appreciated that a lot. I’ve said it a lot all over Instagram, but for the last time I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone that came out and shopped and supported us and gave us compliments. It was just a surreal event and i’m already trying to figure out how we’re going to travel to the next Thriftcon location ;)